Australasian Branch SOPs

The Australaian Branch has developed a number of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure effective and efficient  management of the Branch. These procedures can also be used as a guide for new booard members and office holders to provide them with direction of what is expected as a member of the branch Board.

All proposed admendments to the SOPs are to be considered and voited upon by the Branch Board.

Throughout the SOPs the following abbreviations have been used:

AB      Australasian Branch

ABC   Australasian Branch Committee (sometimes referred to as the Australasian Board)

AGM  Annual General Meeting

BC     Branch Committee

BP     Branch President

CM     Committee Members

ED     Executive Director

GST   Goods and Services Tax

IPP    Immediate Past President

SOP  Standard Operating Procedures

1VP   First Vice President

2VP   Second Vice President

3VP   Third Vice President