Awards (Dreher) Committee

This award is in memory of Lieutenant Raymond W. Dreher, Missouri Highway Patrol, and nineteenth (19th) president of this Association. This award shall be given to the Association members who have distinguished themselves by services to the Association, or for other outstanding acts in the vehicle theft field. It is IAATI’s highest award.

It is not necessarily intended to be a yearly award, nor does this preclude more than one award be given in extraordinary services to the Association and not those services normally required of Association members, or for other significant acts that bring favorable credit to the Association or its members.

Lieutenant Dreher was appointed to the Missouri Highway Patrol July 1, 1946, retired due to health reasons. On September 2, 1980 while still in hospital in Jefferson City, Missouri, he passed away after a long illness. Ray, as he was known to his many friends in the Association, joined IAATI in 1959, and was actively involved in all phases of the Association and to the Missouri Highway Patrol is remembered through this award.

Dennis Roske

Committee Co-Chair

Dennis Roske

Phil Crepeau

Committee Co-Chair

Phil Crepeau

Robert Hasbrouck

Committee Member

Robert Hasbrouck

Christopher T. McDonold

Committee Member

Christopher T. McDonold