Awards Program

IAATI Southern African Branch Awards

The IAATI SAB has three Awards that can be annually awarded to worthy recipients.

These are:

  • The Investigator’s Award
  • The Vehicle Crime Combating Award
  • The Director’s Award

The IAATI SAB Awards committee annually invites all members to submit a motivation as to why the nominees should be considered for the IAATI awards.

This portfolio of evidence has to be presented to the chairperson of the IAATI SAB Awards Committee.

The SA Vehicle Crime Combating Award

• This award can be assigned to an individual or a team or unit for outstanding performance in combating vehicle crime
• The individual or person receiving the award on behalf of the award-winning team or unit can be a non-IAATI member
• Other than the trophy the award winner (including all members of the team/unit) will receive IAATI membership for a year and all expenses paid to the following IAATI SAB Annual Training Seminar

• For more information contact Adrie Blignaut

The SA Director’s Award

• This award will be assigned to an IAATI member for rendering extraordinary service to the IAATI SAB
• More than one IAATI member per year can be assigned with this reward
• This award will also be referred to as the Colonel WC Smith IAATI SAB Memorial Award
• The award winner also receives a trophy

• For more information contact Adrie Blignaut

The SA Investigator’s Award

• This award will be assigned to an individual for outstanding performance as a vehicle crime investigator
• The individual can also be a non-IAATI member
• Other than the trophy the award winner will receive IAATI membership for a year and all expenses paid to the following IAATI SAB Annual Training Seminar
• This award winner will also receive a sponsorship (which include training fees, travel, accommodation and daily allowance) to attend the next IAATI Annual International Training Seminar. This is a 50-50 sponsorship by IAATI SAB and Zonke-Unicode.                 

• For more information contact Adrie Blignaut