Awards Program

IAATI North Central Regional Chapter Awards

Clyde Oliver Award

The Midwest Motor Vehicle Theft Conference was initiated in 1964 by Captain Clyde W. Oliver Jr., of the Illinois State Police.

Originally this conference was only for members of his unit, the Vehicle Identification Bureau of the Illinois State Police. However, as word got out about the educational value of the conference, other police agencies requested to attend. What started out as a small group of Illinois State Police Officers grew until it became too difficult for one agency to host the conference year after year.

With the encouragement and guidance of Captain Oliver, a group of officers petitioned the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators, for permission to charter a chapter. In 1972 the North Central Regional Chapter of the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators was born.

The Clyde W. Oliver Jr. Award was established in 1990 to honor the loyalty, leadership, perseverance, and dedication of our founding father. This award can be presented to any North Central Regional Chapter member who has given outstanding service, leadership, and dedication to the organization. Although the award is offered each year, it is not necessary to have a recipient.

Past recipients are:

  H. Lee Ballard, Ford Motor Company
  Linda Baumann, National Insurance Crime Bureau
  G. J. (Skip) Copeland, Marion County, IN., Sheriffs Department
  Glenn Ebersold
  Connie Golemba, AAA of Michigan
  Billy Hacker, Milwaukee Police Department
  Kenneth P. Hawcott, Iowa State Patrol
  Stan Lutz, Genesee Auto Theft Investigative Network
  Dennis Meyer, Illinois State Police
  Barb Rambo, National Insurance Crime Bureau
  Bryan Reed, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department
  Steven Reid, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
  George Schemenauer, Berrian County Sheriff’s Department
  Ken Schimnoski, Retired Michigan State Police, AAA of Michigan
  Michael Schlomas, Illinois State Police
  Paul Seiler, Chicago Police Department
  Peter Simet, Milwaukee Police Department
  Edward Skworch, National Auto Theft Bureau
  Lee Starr, Chicago Police Department
  Alan Theobald, Nebraska State Patrol
  Robert Vogt, AAA
  Glenn Wheeler, State Farm Insurance Company
  Cheryl Zofkie, National Insurance Crime Bureau

The chairman of the nominating committee is Steve Reid.

Nominations may be mailed to:

NCRC/IAATI, P.O. Box 375,Eden, Wisconsin 53019-0375

Entries may also be

Entries should be submitted before April 1st for that year.

Bob Sattler Award

In 1960, Robert Sattler, of the National Auto Theft Bureau, became the first primary instructor to the Illinois State Police, Vehicle Identification Unit. Robert’s close friend, Clyde Oliver arranged for and administered the seminar.

News of the seminar soon spread to other law enforcement agencies who requested the opportunity to attend. The numbers of requests for attendance soon became too large for one agency to accommodate. Other law enforcement agencies agreed to host the annual seminars. From this group, the Midwest Auto Theft Association was organized. Shortly thereafter, a petition to the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators gave birth to the North Central Regional Chapter.

The excellence in training first offered by Robert Sattler provides the basis for the North Central Regional Chapter seminars and prompted the creation of this award to memorialize the dedication and commitment of Robert Sattler.

Nominees for this award must have performed an investigation in a superior manner and the results must have had a significant impact on auto theft and/or related crimes. Nominees may be from law enforcement, the insurance industry, the National Insurance Crime Bureau, vehicle manufacturers or others who have the common interests of the North Central Regional Chapter as their guiding principals and must be a member(s) in the Chapter. Nominees may be an individual or a unit.

Past recipients of the Robert Sattler award are:

  The Sattler Family

  Det. Chris Omodt

  Det. Constable Tracy Dobbin

  Det. Sgt. James Coleman  


  Hennepin County Sheriff’s Dept.

  Inv. Gene True - Nebraska State Patrol

  Macomb County Auto Theft Squad, Michigan

  Margaret A. Scott

  Michigan State Police

  Oakland County Michigan - Prosecutor’s Office

  Ontario Provincial Police

  SA Andy Thomure - FBI

  SA Michael Sackett

  SA Jesse Stoker - ICE/Homeland Security

  SA Vern Foughty - NICB (retired)

  Sgt. Dave Merrill - Missouri Highway Patrol  

  Tri-County Auto Theft (IL)

  Western Wayne Auto Theft Unit, Michigan

  Detective Chad Duckson, Coon Rapids, MN

Requests for consideration should be accompanied by supporting documentation and submitted no later than March 1 preceding the North Central Regional Chapter seminar.

NC LoJack Award

This award is to honor law enforcement officers whose efforts, in conjunction with the use of the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery Network, made the most significant impact on the recovery(s) of stolen vehicle(s).

This award can be presented to an individual, unit, or department.

The recipient(s) of this award shall receive:

    Free registration at the Annual Training Seminar for a maximum of two people
    One complimentary hotel room for the length of the Annual Training Seminar
    A plaque or similar commemorative depicting the name of the award, the recipient’s name, date and location of presentment.

The committee considering this award must consist of at least one (1) member who is currently employed by the LoJack Corporation Law Enforcement Division.

The LoJack Corporation shall reimburse the North Central Regional Chapter for the amount of the fees for the hotel, and award. The Chapter Treasurer shall compile and submit all invoices for reimbursement.

This award will be presented at the Banquet of the Annual Training Seminar by a representative of LoJack Corporation.

The chairman of the nominating committee is Barb Rambo.

Past recipients of the LoJack award are:

  Action Task Force (MI)
  Chicago Police Department