
IAATI United Kingdom Branch History




IAATI United Kingdom Branch


IAATI UK (The United Kingdom Branch of IAATI), formed in 2001, brings together members from law enforcement agencies and appropriate industry partners to tackle organised vehicle crime. No single organisation could hope to confront vehicle crime in its entirity and defeat it. A partnership approach is needed.

IAATI UK members are vetted and work within trusted organisations that are service providers in intelligence, enforcement, prevention, and disruption activities against organised vehicle crime.

We aim to make the work of the vehicle criminal harder and ultimately deny them the use of the road and in turn make using the roads safer.

We do this through increasing both communication between and the skill levels of our members, who in their work within Government Agencies, Policing, Local Authorities, Insurers, Manufacturers and After Market suppliers, all play a part in tackling Vehicle Crime.

This is where our long-term motto “A Partnership Approach to Vehicle Crime” originates.

We recognise that ‘traditional’ vehicle crime, such as theft of or from vehicles, has for a long time not been regarded as a policing priority by most forces. However, the increase in the use of vehicles in acquisitive crimes, such as burglary, supporting serious and organised crime, and proven links to terrorism cannot be overlooked. Developing trends in the use of electronic means by Organised Criminal Gangs are growing and have become more visible in the media each day, requiring a response.

Through being a member and working together in our roles in industry, as law enforcement officers, insurance partners or vehicle security suppliers, we are all united in working hard to combat this serious threat.

As an association, our principal method of delivering this remains through the networking of our members and the one-to-one communication channels members can create and then exploit, along with the high quality of global training that we can provide to them from the experienced subject matter experts within our membership.

Join us at IAATI UK, develop your networks and take part in IAATI UK and IAATI International training events.

Membership applications and renewals can be accessed using the side panel on the right.