
Become a Member - Northeast Regional Chapter


SECTION 1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. Any representative of any duly authorized law enforcement agency, employed full time with peace officers powers; administrators and agents employed full time in a governmental motor vehicle registration function or a governmental vehicle regulatory function; administrators and special agents of the National Automobile Theft Bureau or the Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau of Canada; or any person honorably retired from one of the foregoing agencies, provided that such person possesses the other qualifications for membership and is not less than eighteen years of age. Membership shall be granted at the discretion of the Executive Board. Applications of persons denied membership shall be returned to the person applying with a letter of explanation.

SECTION 2. AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP. Any representative of any company, organization, business or philanthropic endeavor known or believed to be beneficial to the best interests and objectives of the Association, and who contributes an annual sum of not less that of an Active membership fee, and is not less that eighteen years of age is eligible for membership an Affiliate member. Membership shall be granted at the discretion of the Executive Board. Affiliate members shall have the privileges of an Active Member, except holding the offices of President or Vice President. **

SECTION 3. LIFE MEMBERSHIP. The Association may confer Life membership upon any qualified member who has rendered distinctive service to the Association and its purposes. Nominations for Life membership shall be made by the Executive Board at any Annual Meeting and approved by a majority vote of members present at the Annual Meeting. All Past Presidents shall become Life members at the conclusion of their term of office as President. Any Life member shall have the privileges of an Active member without payment of annual dues.

SECTION 4. TERMINATION. Membership in the Association shall terminate by (1) voluntary withdrawal, or (2) when any member is in arrears with dues or other obligations to the Association, or (3) by a two -thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board when the Board, in its discretion, determines that any member has exhibited conduct inconsistent with the objectives or qualifications of the Association. The Executive Board may also place on probation, censure or suspend the membership of any member but only then after a two -thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board. The President shall appoint a three member committee to initiate such review or investigation, except in cases of termination by voluntary withdrawal or for non-payment of dues, in which case Article 6, Section 1, shall apply. The Executive Board shall also give any such member due notice, and an opportunity to be heard before any such termination, probation, censure or suspension of membership. Any terminated, probated, censured or suspended member may be reinstated by a two -thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board.

SECTION 5. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. Applications for Active or Affiliate membership shall be made to the Executive Director, with recommendations by a current member in good standing, to include life members and past presidents.

Download Chapter SOP

Download Chapter Bylaws

Download Chapter Code of Ethics